Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Who am I Without him?

Flake, Sharon G. Who am I Without him? Jump At The Sun/Hyperion Books For Children: New York, 2004
Who am I Without him? is a collection of short stories told from the perspective of young African American boys and girls. The stories cover variety of topics, from young love, to physical insecurities, to growing in faith. Each story has a unique voice, but the most successful aspect is the authentic dialect. Flake writes like these young boys and girls talk, using phrases like “ain’t got no money” and “this here baby’s.” While some of the content is deep and somewhat controversial, Flake is a beautiful writer and undoubtedly attracts readers with her moving realism. 
This book is definitely middle school appropriate and could easily be used in any 6,7, or 8th grade classroom. Like any collection of short stories, the teacher is free to pick and chose which stories to read and discuss.  I think this book could also be used to springboard some excellent writing exercises.

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