Monday, February 27, 2012

Gathering of Pearls by Sook Nyul Choi

Gathering of Pearls by Sook Nyul Choi is a story about an Korean girl named Sookan who is coming to America in order to attend college. She is attending a school of all girls and is on a scholarship. It chronicles her time in college, her difficulty with classes, a strained relationship with her family back home, and her realization that her life in Korea was limited compared to the opportunities she was offered in America. Sookan is oftentimes overwhelmed with her schoolwork and adjusting to life, and finds it hard to balance her many activities with what is expected of her. The novel ends with her mother dying and Sookan dealing with her loss.

To be honest, I would probably not teach this book in a classroom. For one, the story had no plot whatsoever. There was nothing truly interesting, and a student would find nothing that would keep their attention in the book. More importantly though, for a novel that is so entwined with Korean cultures, it is extremely critical of them. Part of the reason that Sookan struggles so much in school is because of her culture and the need for her to please everyone around her. I think that a novel that so openly criticizes Korean culture in such a negative way would be one that would be offensive to some. In addition, Sookan's family is extremely critical of her as well. She seems to have no relationship with her brothers, and her sister is loathsome. While understanding that it may be true to Korean culture, I think that a novel that celebrates the culture and the positive aspects would be one more appropriate for the classroom.

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